Please provide information about shipments under Ex-Works terms.

Please provide information about shipments under Ex-Works terms.

We do not arrange forwarding service without your agent partnered company in Japan.

To proceed, you will need to coordinate with your local forwarding company to have them contact their agent in Japan. 

Here's the step for your reference.

Step 1:
We will provide the order details, including size and weight. You should then check the shipping price with your forwarder in your country. Once you’ve agreed to the shipping quotation, ask your forwarder to contact their Japan-based agent.

Step 2:
The Japan agent will reach out to us via email. We will be required to submit various documents to obtain customs approval from them.

Step 3:
Once customs approval is granted (note that some items may be rejected based on the forwarder's decision), we will ship the order to their warehouse or they will arrange for pick-up.

This entire process typically takes about one week for the first order.

For any subsequent orders of the same product, no further customs approval will be necessary.

Important Reminders:

  1. We will only process your order once the invoice has been paid in full.
  2. The invoice will reflect the true value of the products.
  3. Orders must be placed on a carton basis.

Should you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us.

For full information regarding our shipment arrangement, please also refer to the following page.